Module 3: Nonprofit Loan Navigator

Course Description:

The Finance & Loan Navigator program is available to any individual who feels they need to have a better understanding of both organizational nonprofit finances and the loan preparedness process. 

The program is set up as three modules: Financial Essentials, Financial Strategy and Loan Navigator.  You will receive a Financial Navigator Guide and a Loan Navigator Guide to follow along with. This program helps break down the information so you can digest it and allows you to stop and start as needed.   

Each module contains examples to follow along with, discussion guides that help you to apply the information and test your knowledge and provides suggestions for group discussions with colleagues. In addition to the guide, there are three short learning webinars paired with each module that are each 10-15 minutes in length. 

There are many reasons why this program is beneficial for your organization and its board members, but the following are some of the most common:

Who Should Take This Course: 

Note: This resource is not designed for organizations that need money, but don’t have identified ways to pay it back. It is not designed for start-up organizations, though new organizations may find the information helpful in establishing good financial habits so that they are loan-ready in the future. 


Complimentary Benefits of Completing This Program: 

Those who complete this course will have ongoing access to our financial/loan specialist (aka Navigator) at no additional charge to their organization. Instructions on how to access this and next steps will be provided at the completion of the course.  


Thank you to our sponsors!