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Kelly Fryer

Executive Strategist, Vision Partner

Kelly Fryer & Associates, LLC

Kelly Fryer | Catalyst, Executive Strategist, Vision Partner, Teacher, Rule Breaking Nani

Before Kelly’s 2018 campaign for governor “broke the mold” for what Arizona leadership looks like (Arizona Republic), she was CEO of Arizona’s oldest gender equity and racial justice organization, Executive Director of an organization that helps elect women to public office, and National Communcations Director for a worker justice organization. Previously, she served as president and co-founder of A Renewal Enterprise, a boutique consulting firm, and ARE Books. She started her career as an ordained minister and Asst Professor of Leadership at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is an adjunct lecturer in the McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship in the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona, and a Flinn-Brown Fellow.